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Cicada’s Next Step: Our New Blog

Jay Serrano, Editorial Director

July 13, 2020

Hello, all!

Over the last few months, the world has changed in dramatic ways that have affected us all. CCM has had to contend with these changes and evolve, incorporating our original vision into a world that looks different.

Fostering community and engaging directly with our submitters, colleagues, and fellow travelers was our first unanimous goal–we are still deeply committed to this core mission. This blog is our next step in achieving that goal, which now feels more imperative than ever given how difficult it has become to stay connected to one another.

We will also be publishing a monthly newsletter with content curated by staff members and guests. This blog will function as a repository for this content and exist as a space for us to expand on broader ideals of ours as they relate to the art and literary worlds. We plan to use this platform to actively highlight current events and advocate for human rights and social justice.

Our first newsletter will be going live this Friday, July 24. As always, you can contact us at info@cicadacreativemag.com. We’ll talk to you soon.

Stay creative!

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