Published monthly in our newsletter.

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Issue 08 Deadline Extension
Jay Serrano, Editor-in-chief

Hello, everyone! We’re hard at work reviewing your submissions, and we want to thank you for entrusting us with your work. To ensure we are delivering you the absolute best issue we can, we had a meeting and decided it would be best to extend this issue cycle.

May. 2024

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Renaissance Pranks and Protest
Aimee Kuiper, Freelancer

Those who remember their art history know that the great Renaissance sculptor, Michelangelo, was reluctant to paint the Sistine Chapel. What they might not remember is that this complicated story between Mike and Pope Julius II resulted in the Renaissance’s greatest prank.

Apr. 2024

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Celebrations in Spring: Bookish Edition
Gisela Perez, Freelancer

An ambling sun. Budding flora. A wind, quiet and placid, welcoming you into spring. More than the bearer of the new season, March is National Reading Month, making it a double invitation for the revitalization of our joy and energy. Accept the invitation and cherish life’s vivacity through a …

Mar. 2024

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Reintroducing Ourselves
Jay Serrano, Editor-in-Chief

Cicada has evolved a lot over the years. This isn’t the first time I’ve said this, and it won’t be the last, but I want to focus on explaining where we are rather than how we got here.

Mar. 2024

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21st Century Penpals
Alex Lee, Art Editor

As the thrill of starting a new year fizzles out and Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s a good time to think about the ways we communicate with the people in our lives, and maybe even try something new.

Feb. 2024

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An Interview with Penny Molesso
Jay Serrano, Editor-in-Chief

Penny is a transmedia artist, filmaker, and writer whose vision for interdisciplinarity resonates with our own. We caught them and decided to ask a few questions about their work.

Feb. 2024

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CCM Updates
Jay Serrano, Editor-in-Chief

We’ve made it no secret that CCM is an ever-evolving project, and we’ve always believed it’s important to be transparent with you all. This post will break down some of the changes you can expect to see from CCM this issue cycle, like rolling reviews (which means shorter response …

Jan. 2024

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When in Crisis, Get a Plant
Aimee Kuiper, Creative Team Member

When work stress, family drama, and traffic nightmares follow you home, scientists and gardeners agree on one solution – get a houseplant. A wide variety of studies describe the effect green plants have in classrooms, hospitals, offices, and especially homes. Overall, the presence of two to …

Jun. 2023

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Good Eats - Flowers
Denise “The Vamp DeVille” Zubizarreta, Creative Team Member

Edible flowers have been on the menu for humans since the beginning of our gastronomical explorations. But in recent years, they’ve begun appearing in our appetizers, on our dinner plates, and in our desserts as well. Some are much more than just garnishes for salads and cocktails, and may even …

Jun. 2023

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Parasite: Spatial Dynamics created through Architecture and Film
Lizzie Tjahja, Creative Director

An exploration of spatial dynamics created between architecture and film narratives. How do director Bong Joon Ho and production designer Lee Ha Jun craft the relationship between the Park family home and the characters of Parasite?

Apr. 2023