Studies in blue

Meg Curran

Photography triptych

Originally submitted as a school project with the following description: “I’ve spent this semester battling depression. After studying abroad for a year, I feel profoundly disconnected from the people and spaces around me. I’ve struggled to feel a sense of belonging and I’ve had to be intentional about how I can incorporate my experiences abroad with being back at Wofford. My final project was an exercise in doing this physically – by layering photos I took of the RSRCA (a place I feel comfortable on campus) and images from Google Maps of locations I miss, namely Paris, Israel, and the areas I where I grew up in the UK. The result is a set of digital collages in greys and blues (the colors of the haze I’ve existed in for the past few months) which are ultimately dynamic portraits of how I’m experiencing time and place right now.

Abstract blue dots overlaid on a darker blue background. Desaturated yellow-green bars and white bars frame the three tear-shaped drops of blue. A bent/overlaid white and blue stick is framed by distressed green-blue background panels. An almost balloon-like rippled texture of blue and green, with abstract shapes in a lighter pallette.